Friday- Wednesday - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Thursday - 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Urology Department

The urology and nephrology center is not only one of the largest scientific centers in the Middle East, but also one of the largest specialized centers in dialysis, renal transplantation and oncourology.
The urology department is considered one of the most important departments in the center as is receiving patient from other Arab countries.
The center is one of the first specialized centers in the field of health care, which is concerned with research and educational services beside the medical services.
The department provides medical care services for patients from all over the world where patients are seen at the outpatient clinics and admitted to the hospital for surgery of medical treatment
The department also arranges training courses for physician from all over the world on doing surgery and training at the animal house at the center.
The department sends his physician on training courses all over the world for experience exchange.

The most important research field in the department:

1. Cystectomy and urinary diversion field
The center is considered one of the leader centers at this field; the center is performing 20 cystectomy and urinary diversion surgery/ month.
More than 1500 cystectomy cases are done since 1983 and the patient survival rate is more than 40%.

2. The renal transplantation field
The first renal transplantation surgery done at 1977 in the urology department at Mansoura university hospital, since then 1500 cases of renal transplantation surgery were done with a success rate of more than 90 % at the end of the first year.

3. The Field
Bladder tumor removal is done by cystoscopy also, bladder, ureteric, kidney stones since 1992 nephrectomy is done by laparoscope and cystectomy are done since 2003.

4. The pediatric urology field
There is a department for pediatric urology surgeries with 20 beds, surgeries for simple congenital detects e.g, hypospadius and major congenital defects e.g, ectopic kidney

5. The urine incontinence field
Surgeries for treatment of urine incontinence in female is done since 1993, 200 surgeries are done till now and more than 60 surgeries for treatment of urethral congenital anomalies in female, plus surgeries for treatment of urinary incontinence resulting from prostatectomy in males.

6. Urodynamic unit
These units established at October 1998, about 21,000 cases are investigated for uroflowmetery, and more than 3500 investigated urodynamically.
The unit also helps in the urinary incontinence and functional defect in urination diagnosis plus the evaluation of incontinence surgeries in males and females.

Head of Department
Prof.Bassem Salah Wadie


List of doctors of the department

Prof. Mohamed Ahmed Ghoneim
Prof. Albeer Asham Allah
Prof. Salah Al-Din Al-Hammady(Deceased)
Prof. Mohamed Ahmed GabAllah Yousif
Prof. Mahmoud Anees Bazeed
Prof.Hamdy Abdel Monaem El-Kappany
Prof. ElHousseiny Ismail Ibrahim
Prof. Ahmed Maher Bayoumi Shehab El-Din
Prof.Adel Nabeeh Mohamed Ali
Prof. Atallah Ahmed Mohamed Shaaban
Prof. Ahmed Magdy Ahmed Ghaly
Prof. Mahmoud Rabie El-Kenawy
Prof. Mohamed Rajai Mohamed Mahran
Prof. Ahmed Abdurrahman Ahmed Shokeir
Prof. Hassan Abol-Enein
Prof. Mohsen Mohammed Al-Mekrachy
Prof. Mohamed Abdel Hadi Gomaa
Prof.  Alaa Ahmed Mokhtar Abdel Nabi
Prof. Mohamed El-Saed Mohamed Dawaba
Prof. Magdy Salama El Bahnasawy
Prof.Ahmed Mamdouh Shoma
Prof. Ahmed Mosbah Mohamed Osman
Prof. Bedeir Ali-El-Dein Hassan El-Baz
Prof. Mohamed Tawfiq Mohamed El Sherbiny
Prof. Bassem Salah Saleh Wadie
Prof. Ashraf Tarek Hafez
Prof. Yasser Mohamed Osman Shahin
Prof. Mohamed Abdel Latif Salama
Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Refat El Nahas
Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Ali El-Assmy
Prof. Nasr Ahmed Mohamed El-Tabey
Prof. Mohamed Mohamed Kamal Gheith
Prof. Osama Mahmoud Mohammed Sarhan
Prof. Shadi Ali Mohamed Soliman. 
Prof.Ahmed Sobhy El –Sayed EL-Hefnawy
Dr. Samer Mahmoud Halwajy
Prof. Tamer El Sayed Helmy
Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Harraz
Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Mostafa Elshal
Dr.  Ahmed Mohammed Mansour Al-Kenany
Dr. Mohamed Hassan Talaat Ali Mohamed Mahmoud Zahran
Dr. Ahmed Abdel Halim
Dr. Mahmoud Nabil Ismail Limon
Dr. Islam Fakhr



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who are we ?

Medical and scientific center (Mansoura University - Egypt) Specialized in the treatment of kidney diseases, urology and renal bypass surgery. Established in 1983, it became one of the first and largest medical centers in the Middle East in this field.

Connect with us


El Gomhoureya St., El Mansoura, Egypt
Postal Code: 35516
+20 50 2202222
+20 50 2202717